KASSÁK Kiadó Kft.


Address of Publishing House:
1145 Budapest, Thököly út 121. Tel./Fax: (36-1) 364 1365, (36-28) 405 367
Contact Person: Ms Zsuzsanna Vágó
E-mail: kassak@mail.digitel2002.hu
WWW: www.digitel2002.hu/kassakkiado

Year of Foundation: 1991
Number of titles published in 1998: 12
Number of titles published since foundation: 106

ISBN: (963) 9100

The Kassák Book and Periodical Publishing House Ltd. enshrines in its name the memory of Lajos Kassák, the founder of Hungarian activism and a celebrated personality of the international avant-garde. It publishes a whole range of historical and cultural handbooks and book series, educational publications, lexicons, works of fiction and literary criticism, and volumes of essays and verse from contemporary Hungarian writers. Series include the 17-volume World History, the 18-volume Brehm: The World of Animals, the 7-volume Portrait Gallery of Hungarian Kings and Heroes, the 20-volume millecentennial series A History of the Hungarian Nation. The Publishing House also brings out a cultural quarterly entitled Pen.



Frankfurt '99 Non-profit Organisation,
Budapest 1054 Báthori u. 10.
Fax: +(36) 1 269 20 53
E-mail: frankfurt_99.kht@mail.matav.hu