Kolumban, Nicholas


  • Kolumban, Nicholas: THE SCIENCE OF IN-BETWEEN An Anthology of Nineteen Contemporary Hungarian Poets.
    • Publishing House: SZÉPHALOM Könyvmuhely (Írók Alapítványa)
    • Year of Publication: 1999
    • Number of Pages: 160
    • Language: English
    • The anthology of nineteen contemporary Hungarian poets - from György Faludy through Sándor Csoóri, Sándor Kányádi, György Gömöri, Elemér Horváth, György Petri to Zsuzsa Takács, Zsuzsa Kapecz, Tibor Zalán - is a representative selection translated by Nicholas Kolumban. All poems of this book were published in literary periodicals in the US. The notes (written by the translator) present shortly the Hungarian authors of the anthology, the Introduction is the work of a young expert of the Princeton University, Anna Dropick.



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