TORONYI, Zsuzsanna


    • Translated by: Judit Wellner
    • Publishing House: MAGYAR KÖNYVKLUB
    • Year of Publication: 1999
    • Number of Pages: 96
    • Language: English
    • full colour photos and 8 faximile postcards
    • Collecting postcards was a favoured pastime as early as the turn of the century. The most significant Hungarian Jewish postcard collection is that of Vilmos Kohn. The four albums have been kept in the Hungarian Jewish Museum. The collection comprises cards of all the prominent publishing houses in the Austro-Hungarian Empire. The collection dates back to the turn of the century and continues up to the 1920s. Its more than 1,500 items provide us with a fair range of cards used by Jewish people in the Monarchy. The cards fall in four categories according to their subject matter: Palestine at the turn of the century - cards in the style of Art Nouveau - cards depicting scenes from the Bible and, finally - a series of cards portraying the most honoured rabbis. This large and varied collection of cards served as basis for our selection which presents the City and the famous sites of Jerusalem and also provides us with images of old Palestine.



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