TYPOTEX Elektronikus Kiadó Kft.


Address of Publishing House:
1024 Budapest, Retek u. 33. Tel./Fax: (36-1) 316 3759
Contact Person: Ms Zsuzsa Votisky
E-mail: typotex@euroweb.hu
WWW: www.vision.euroweb.hu/typotex

Year of Foundation: 1989
Number of titles published in 1998: 20
Number of titles published since foundation: 110

ISBN: (963) 7546

Founded in 1989, Typotex Electronical Publishing House is a professional applier of the complicated mathematical TeX type-setting program, for foreign language periodicals as well. As a publisher of scholarly works in all disciplines, particularly in mathematics, physics, informatics, science-history, psychology, philosophy, linguistics, studies of antiquity, it has about 25 new titles each year. Electronical publication of technical texts. Typotex has also developed the INDEX book data base (with the Computer and Automation Research Institute of the Hungarian Acafemy of Sciences), which tells professionals and interested individuals which firm has published the book they are looking for, and where they can buy them. Shortly, this is the Hungarian Books in Print, which is part of the German and East-European one



Frankfurt '99 Non-profit Organisation,
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Fax: +(36) 1 269 20 53
E-mail: frankfurt_99.kht@mail.matav.hu