• ROMSICS, Ignác: Hungary in the 20th Century
    • Übersetzt von: Timothy Wilkinson
    • Verlag: CORVINA Kiadó
    • Veröffentlichungsjahr: 1999
    • Nummer von Seiten: 350
    • Sprache: English
    • Ignác Romsics’s book is the first comprehensive, systematic and authorative account of the economic, social political and cultural history of Hungary in the 20th century. It has been designed to present the serious reader, the scholar who is not a specialist in modern Hungarian history and the student who is considering such a specialization with a detailed and balanced picture. The eight chronological chapters of this highly readable and thoroughly researched volume cover the years of peace at the beginning of the 20th century; the events of World Was I and its consequences; the interwar period and Hungary’s participation in World War II; the cruel sovietization of the country as well as the heroic answer of the Hungarians to it: the uprising of 1956; the more liberal form of state socialism that emerged after the defeat of this revolution; and finally the collapse of communism and the re-integration of Hungary into the Western world during the past ten years. The chapters are supported by numerous maps, charts and tables, a chronology of major events, and up-to-date list of relevant publications for further reading.



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