SZABÓ, N József


  • SZABÓ, N József: Hungarian Culture - Universal Culture Cultural Diplomatic Endeavours of Hungary, 1945-1948
    • Übersetzt von: Tamás Vrankó
    • Verlag: AKADÉMIAI Kiadó Rt.
    • Veröffentlichungsjahr: 1999
    • Nummer von Seiten: 300
    • Sprache: English
    • Prior to now there was no serious domestic or international research into the topic discussed in the book. As a result of József N.Szabó’s extensive work, a synthesis has been produced that highlights the universal nature of the culture of the world from a particularly Hungarian point of view. The information available from the period of history analyzed by the author (1945-48) is scarce and ideologically heavily biased. As a result of a careful examination of the documents and other resources a work has been produced that is indispensable in higher education, foreign diplomacy, and it is also a useful and interesting work to all those dealing with the history of civilization and education. One of the major purposes of the author’s book is to show what factors contributed to the increased significance of Hungarian cultural diplomacy. From the analysis it is learnt that Hungarian cultural diplomacy had an outstanding importance after both World Wars. In certain cases only the universal nature of culture made it possible for Hungary to break out of international isolation and to modernize the country. The structure of the book informs the reader about Hungary’s connections with other nations, and the order followed in the book is at the same time the order of priorities of Hungarian cultural diplomacy after the war. The book is complemented by a rich list of sources and notes that offer a good orientation to the topic discussed in the book, which also contains summaries in French and German. As József N.Szabó’s book fills a gap in the history of Hungarian culture and education, it is heartily recommended to all those interested in the topic.



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