[biography] - [quotes] - [publications]


strongly suspect that if the people I write about didn't breed bears in the vulgar darkness of abandoned mine-shafts, but would cheerfully raise pigs on the heavenly lit Hungarian plains manifesting their moral superiority, my work would be much more uplifting, but no one would ever read any of it. (Ádám Bodor)

1936 born in Kolozsvár (Cluj, Romania)
1955-60 studies protestant theology at Kolozsvár University
1970-75 Member of the Romanian Writers Association
1982 resettles in Hungary
from 1984 is editor of the Magvető Publishing House
1998 guest of the DAAD Artist's Program of Berlin

A short story writer, the author of a novel in short stories.

"Ádám Bodor's writings evoke a strange, endangered world. This world is closed, unchangeable and unmovable, even when the setting of the stories is not the same, because the whole of this world is ruled by the same set of relations... The characters in his stories have to endure the world - as a chance of their own destruction or, perhaps, even survival. Endurance is their only choice..." (István Margócsy)



[biography] - [quotes] - [publications]



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