[biography] - [quotes] - [publications]


- 1977 A nyomkereső (et. The Pathfinder) A novel.
- 1975 Sorstalanság (et. 1992 Fateless) A radical self-analysis and an authentic view of the Holocaust. The novel is narrated by a young boy who lives through horrific experiences, his only means of survival being an all-encompassing apathy and detachment. "What makes György's story [the novel] so authentic, poignant, and radically unsentimental is precisely the ironic contrast between his utter idealism, even bemused detachment, and the reader's logical exception of the opposite." (Clara Györgyei) In the writer's words: "The hardest task I can imagine is to talk about myself. For a novelist the first person singular can only be valid if this 'me' equals 'everyone' ... only this can elevate the faint cries of an individual swept away by the totality of history into the inevitable element of objectivity, and if the role of the novel is historical - and I am convinced that it is - it must be its sole task to present total structures and mechanisms." (Imre Kertész)
- 1988 A kudarc (et. The Failure) Novel. It is closely related to the previous novel Sorstalanság. "Living and writing the same novel is a moral obligation for me." (Imre Kertész)
- 1989 Kaddis a meg nem született gyermekért (et. 1997 Kaddish for a Child Not Born) An essayistic novel on fate and survival. An excerpt from the novel: "We shouldn't look for a meaning when there is none: and the century, this perpetual firing squad, is once again prepared for decimation, and I just happen to be the tenth in the row, that's all. - These are his last words, in my interpretation, of course." (Imre Kertész)
- 1991 Az angol lobogó (et. The English Banner) Short stories.
- 1992 Gályanapló (et. Galley Diary) A silent dialogue with Kafka, Nietzsche, Freud, Camus, Sartre and others, based on the author's notes from 1961-1991.
- 1993 A Holocaust mint kultúra (et. Holocaust as Culture) Three lectures.
- 1997 Valaki más. A változás krónikája. (et. Someone Else. The Chronicle
of a Transformation) A novel on selfhood and otherness, showing the distance between the identical and the non-identical.
- 1998 A gondolatnyi csend, amíg a kivégzőosztag újratölt (et. A Second of Silence While the Firing Squad Reloads) Essays and lectures on knowledge, responsibility and the Holocaust.




Fateless. Translated by Christopher C. Wilson and Katharina M. Wilson. Evanston, Ill.: Northwestern University Press, 1992.
Berlin: Rütten / Loening, 1990., Tr. by J. Buschmann.
Berlin: Rowohlt, 1996., New Translation by
Ch. Viragh.
Tel Aviv: Am Oved, 1994.
Barcelona: Plaza y Janes, 1996.
Amsterdam: Van Gennep, 1995.
Kopenhagen: Forum, 1996.
Forthcoming: in Italian, French, Czech, Slovakian, Turkish, Swedish, Norwegian

Kaddis a meg nem született gyermekért
Kaddish for a Child Not Born. Translated by Christopher C. Wilson and Katharina M. Wilson. Evanston, Ill.: Hydra Books, 1997.
Berlin: Rowohlt, 1992., tr. by Gy. Buda, K. Schwamm.
Amsterdam: Van Gennep, 1994.
Arles: Actes Sud, 1995.
Rio de Janeiro: Imago, 1995.
Stockholm: Norstedt, 1996.
Forthcoming: in Italian, Norwegian, Danish, Czech

Berlin: Rowohlt, 1993, Tr. by K.Schwamm.
Forthcoming: in Italian (Il Saggiatore)

Egy történet. Két történet.
Eine Geschichte. Zwei Geschichten
(With P. Esterházy) tr. by K. Schwamm, Salzburg: Residenz Verlag, 1994.

Meine Rede über das Jahrhundert.
Hamburg: Hamburger Edition, 1995.



[biography] - [quotes] - [publications]



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