[biography] - [quotes] - [publications]


- 1967 Két sötétedés (et. Two Nightfalls) Short stories about childhood and adolescence - an early display of Lengyel's artistry. He describes places and people with an objectivity that makes the narrator more a beholder than a participant.
- 1969 Ogg második bolygója (et. The Second Planet of Ogg) Science fiction novel - an intriguing and poetic account of the conflict between mankind and power.
- 1978 Cseréptörés (et. 1979 Back to Base) Novel; János Bárán, the protagonist wants to understand the powers that influenced his fate and goes back to his father's death and even beyond in time and history, investigating the documents he can find, in order to find his own authentic personal history.
- 1980 Mellékszereplők (et. Supporting Characters) Novel. It was written in 1970, but its publication was withheld for political reasons; the book was one of the first documents of the silent revolt of sixties in Hungarian universities through presenting the life of a student expelled from university. The seemingly alienating effects - time montage, clear cuts, objectivity - contribute to the novel's aim.
- 1982 Rondó (et. Roundeau) short stories.
- 1988 Macskakő (1993 et. Cobblestone) novel. A detective novel by definition, the book presents Budapest life at the turn of the century. "Lengyel is more at ease when narrating the shifting, wandering curiosity of criminal and detective alike, trailing across a vast Europe in which Hungarians (and, by extension, other nationalities) can delight in feeling at home." (Julian Duplain, TLS, May 28, 1993)
- 1992 Holnapelőtt (Nem-regény) (et. Before Tomorrow. Not a Novel) A combination of essay and diary, the book is a personal record of the years 1989, 1990 and 1991. A long interview with Gábor Csordás is also included.
- 1993 Búcsú (et. Farewell) Prose text and eight photos by Endre Merényi, Péter Lengyel's father. Most of Lengyel's books have these photos on their cover - having been orphaned at two, he considers these as his only inheritance.




Cobblestone. A Detective Novel. A philosophical mystery for the Millennium. - translated by John Bátki, Columbia, Louisiana: Readers International Inc., & London: Readers International, 1993.

Ogg második bolygója
Düsseldorf: Econ, 1972., tr. by G. Feidel.
also: in Polish, 1982, Japanese, 1978, Czech, 1981.

Eső a Margit körúton
"Boulevard in the Rain" - tr. by Eszter Molnár The Hungarian Quarterly, 1985/98.

Back to Base, extract. The Hungarian Quarterly, 1979/73.

Selected short stories in:
Auteurs hongrois d'aujourd'hui.
Paris: In fine and Budapest: Corvina, 1996.



[biography] - [quotes] - [publications]



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