[biography] - [quotes] - [publications]


- 1971 Magyarázatok M. számára (et. Explanations for M.)
- 1974 Körülírt zuhanás (et. Circumscribed Fall)
- 1981 Örökhétfő (et. Eternal Monday) The first samizdat volume
- 1984 Hólabda a kézben (et. Snowball in Hand)
- 1985 Azt hiszik... (et. What They Think)
- 1989 Valahol megvan (et. Somewhere It Exists)
- 1992 Sár (et. Mud)
- 1996 Összes versek (et. Collected poems) "Sexuality is often the glass through which Petri discloses the nature of freedom. The same is true of death. As the final limit on freedom, death is evoked by Petri with a morbid physicality and black humour that recall the medieval world. His view of sex is more ambivalent. It focuses the bleakness of the human condition: the temporary nature of our attachments, failures of communication, the mutability of the body, our ultimate loneliness. But it is also an instance and emblem of personal freedom: an activity pursued for its own sake, necessarily private, which no authority has power to control."
(Clive Wilmer)




Night Song of the Personal Shadow. Selected
Poems Bloodaxe Books, 1991.

Selected Poems. Tr. by Clive Wilmer and
George Gömöri, Carcanet Press, 1995.

selected poems in:
Child of Europe, ed. Michael March; Penguin Books, 1990.

The Colonnade of Teeth. Modern Hungarian
Poetry, edited by George Gömöri and George Szirtes, Newcastle upon Tyne: Bloodaxe Books, 1996.

Zur Hoffnung verkommen. Ttr. by H.-H.
Paetzke. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp, 1986.

Schöner und unerbittlicher Mummenschanz.
Tr. by H.-H. Paetzke. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp, 1989.

Vorbei das Abwägen, vorbei die Abstufungen.
Tr. by H.-H. Paetzke. Zürich: Ammann, 1995.



[biography] - [quotes] - [publications]



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