MEDICINA Könyvkiadó Rt.


Address of Publishing House:
1054 Budapest, Zoltán u. 8 Tel.: (36-1) 312 2650 Fax: (36-1) 315 2450
Contact Person: Ms Borbála Farkasvölgyi

Year of Foundation: 1957
Number of titles published in 1998: 110
Number of titles published since foundation: 300


Medicina is the leading Hungarian Publisher of health science books since it’s foundation. Beside original titles of prominent Hungarian authors Medicina publishes numerous translated titles from the best authors and publishers in health science. Provides medical, dental, nursing and allied health students and practitioners with textbooks, references and all needed suplementary books. All the four Hungarian medical universities use the Medicia helath science books. In the last year the number of Hungarian titles translated to other languages has been significantly increased. Besides them Medicina is publishing popular health books as well. PANORAMA Medicina is the publisher of the popular Panorama Guide series. Up to now it contains 40 titles of the most visited countries and towns. Every four years the data will be revised and refreshed.



Frankfurt '99 Non-profit Organisation,
Budapest 1054 Báthori u. 10.
Fax: +(36) 1 269 20 53