BENCÉS Kiadó és Terjeszto Kft.


Address of Publishing House:
9090 Pannonhalma, Vár 1. Tel./Fax: (36-96) 570 123
Contact Person: Ms Marianna Fülöp

Year of Foundation: 1992
Number of titles published in 1998: 12
Number of titles published since foundation: 150


The Bencés {Benedictine} press, under the aegis of the Chief Abbacy of Pannonhalma, is occupied exclusively with works of a religious theme, presenting a range of publications reflecting the Benedictine spiritual world. These cover both eternal and contemporary ecclesiastic themes, historical perspectives, albums, lexicons and classic works. Successful publications include the Spiritual Handbooks, the Bible Commentary series, a range of books and atlases for children, and various guide books for the foreign visitor.



Frankfurt '99 Non-profit Organisation,
Budapest 1054 Báthori u. 10.
Fax: +(36) 1 269 20 53