NEMZETI KULTURÁLIS ÖRÖKSÉG Minisztériuma Ministry of National Heritage / Ministerium für Nationale Erbe


Address of Publishing House:
1184 Budapest, POB 1 1054 Budapest, Szalay u. 10-14. (will be changed!) Tel./Fax: (36-1) 30 20 600, 311 94 10 (will be changed!)
Contact Person: Minister: József Hámori

Year of Foundation:
Number of titles published in 1998:
Number of titles published since foundation:


Its activity is to take part in legislative activities concerning public and higher art, and culture as well as to promote and supervise institutions, organizations (including civil societies) in these sectors. Among its duties and activities in the recent years are to promote books especially used in higher education by giving grants to publishers, then a special loan-project together with a bank to help publishing houses. In 1997 it could set up the Translation Fund to make accessible the Hungarian literature in translation abroad (see Hungarian Book Foundation). Beside by helping to renew a villa, there will be also a special resort place for those who come to Hungary to translate: the Hungarian Translator Workshop. Another project on the field of literature is to enlarge the function of the Petofi Literary Museum of Budapest by turning it into a vivid meeting place of writers, artists and readers with the Centre of Contemporary Literature. Again a new phenomenon: those bookshops, which can meet the highest standards will get a special reward. The Hungarian publishers outside Hungary get also financial aid to encourage the flourishing of Hungarian language literature.



Frankfurt '99 Non-profit Organisation,
Budapest 1054 Báthori u. 10.
Fax: +(36) 1 269 20 53