Address of Publishing House:
1143 Budapest, Hungária krt. 109. Tel. and Fax: (36-1) 222 3622
Contact Person: dr. János Dörömbözi

Year of Foundation: 1993
Number of titles published in 1998:
Number of titles published since foundation: 2


The Publishing House is specialized in history, philosophy, theology, history of religion, classical studies, and pedagogy. The telos (goal) of our Publishing House is to present the achievements of universal and Hungarian culture of abiding values. Our activities are concentrated on the publishing of the achievements of the humanities. Our most important undertaking is the publishing of St. Thomas of Aquino's monumental Summa Theologiae in a Latin-Hungarian bilingual edition in several volumes. The volumes that are also of interest for the international public include the series "Apocryphal Writings" -- The Miraculous Activities of the Apostles, Miraculous Gospels, Apocalipses, Apocryphal Letters -- and the academician István Borzsák's three-volume work entitled Dragma.



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