KRITERION Könyvkiadó


Address of Publishing House:
RO - 71341 Bucuresti, Piata Presei Libere nr. 1. RO - 3400 Cluj-Napoca, Str. Samuil Micu nr. 12/a Tel./Fax: (40-1) 224 3628 and (40-64) 197 450
Contact Person: Gyula H. Szabó

Year of Foundation:
Number of titles published in 1998:
Number of titles published since foundation:

ISBN: (973) 26

As the publisher of Romania’s national minorities, Kriterion has published in the following languages: Hungarian, German, Serbian, Ukrainian, Yiddish, Turkish, Tatar, Russian, Armenian, Albanian, Slovak, Czech and Romanian (the latter only works in translation or those relating to minorities). Kriterion has published over 2,000 books in Hungarian, literary works both in the original language and in translation, as well as scholarly works.



Frankfurt '99 Non-profit Organisation,
Budapest 1054 Báthori u. 10.
Fax: +(36) 1 269 20 53