Address of Publishing House:
1052 Budapest, Papnövelde u. 8. Tel./Fax: (36-1) 317 4865, 317 4765
Contact Person: János Szilágyi

Year of Foundation: 1957
Number of titles published in 1998: 60
Number of titles published since foundation: 1700

ISBN: (963) 8380

The Helikon Press, besides its range of Hungarian and foreign fictional titles and educational publications, was known and respected for decades as the publisher of choice for bibliophiles and lovers of fine prints and art books. In recent times its publishing activities have expanded further: the Helikon children’s programme and the Helikon schools programme produce textbooks and educational aids in the areas of literature, history and the visual arts. In the field of humanities and the social sciences, a range of specialised literature and university textbooks are published in the Helikon Universitas series.



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E-mail: frankfurt_99.kht@mail.matav.hu