ALEXANDRA Kiadó (Pécsi Direkt Kft.)


Address of Publishing House:
7630 Pécs, Alkotás u. 3. Tel./Fax: (36-72) 315 529, 214 058, 213 474
Contact Person: Dezso Matyi

Year of Foundation: 1991
Number of titles published in 1998: 165
Number of titles published since foundation: 700

ISBN: (963) 367

Alexandra Publishing was founded in Pécs in 1990, and since then it has been improving dynamically. It has published nearly 700 volumes over the years and also developed its own network of department stores. At the beginning the publishing house released books mainly translated from foreign authors, by now it has extended its profile by publishing its own editions. Alexandra Publishing has become one of the biggest ones in Hungary by now. It publishes fantastic and romantic novels, popular scientific literature, art books, sport editions and children books. The publishing house also has a music publishing department called AXA Music.



Frankfurt '99 Non-profit Organisation,
Budapest 1054 Báthori u. 10.
Fax: +(36) 1 269 20 53