[biography] - [quotes] - [publications]


n the blinding sharpness of our unredeemed and unredeemable state we can easily realise that everybody else is just as blind, that we are a pitiful bunch of blind men who are nevertheless obsessed with sight.
(László Krasznahorkai)

1954 born in Gyula
1974-77 studied at the Faculty of Law at József Attila University, Szeged
1976-83 studied Hungarology at Eötvös Loránd University Budapest
from 1983 working as a freelance writer
1987-88 guest of the DAAD Artist's Program in Berlin

Novelist, short story writer. Together with director Béla Tarr he worked on film scripts using his own books as source material: Kárhozat - Damnation, Az utolsó hajó - The Last Ship, Szürkület - Twilight, Sátántangó - Satan Tango, Az ellenállás melankóliája - The Melancholy of Resistance.



[biography] - [quotes] - [publications]



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E-mail: frankfurt_99.kht@mail.matav.hu