[biography] - [quotes] - [publications]


- 1897 Üres a fészek (et. The Nest is Empty), his first book; short stories.
- 1900 A víg ember bús meséi (et. The Sad Tales of a Happy Man) In this early collection of short stories he was influenced by romanticism and was a follower of Turgeniev, Dickens, Zola and Maupassant.
- 1901 Az aranybánya (The Golden Mine) A novel of autobiographical value on the Hungarian gentry.
- 1906 Álmok hőse (et. Hero of Dreams) A collection of short stories; a critical-ironical approach towards the clash between the old and new values.
- 1909 Régi szélkakasok között (et. Among Old Weathercocks) Short novel; an account of Budapest life at the turn of the century.
- 1912 A francia kastély (et. French Chateau) A dreamy and romantic novel about small-town Hungary and Sindbad, Krúdy's favourite hero.
- 1911 Szindbád ifjúsága (et. Sindbad's Youth) An account on his alter-ego, Szindbád, the traveller.
- 1912 Szindbád utazásai (et. The Travels of Sindbad) A novel; again, memory is the chief source of this narrative. The book is a favorite reading in Hungary; in the 1970's it was turned into an award-winning film by Zoltán Huszárik.
- 1914 A vörös postakocsi (et. 1967 The Crimson Coach) is his most popular novel, which called the public attention on Krúdy's earlier writings. The protagonist is Mr Rezeda, "the sad-looking gentleman whose haircut and poise of head were both slanted. He looked as if he had fallen a-dreaming some autumn evening in front of the first fire lit in the stove, burning the tokens of a past love, letters, locks of hair, little flounces, maybe even a garter - as if he were still holding his head in the same pose he had taken when he gazed at the feminine letters going up in flames." (Gyula Krúdy) The novel is a nostalgic voyage from reality to dream, from present to past - it evokes Budapest at the turn of the century. As the translator says: "I have a reasonable though perhaps over-optimistic hope that with this book Krúdy... would have broken through the barrier of language, bridged the abbys between a strange, savoury and exquisite civilization and the modern West." (Paul Tabori)
- 1917 Őszi utazások a vörös postakocsin (et. Autumn Voyages on the Crimson Coach), confession and nostalgic account on Pest.
- 1918 Napraforgó (et. 1978 Sunflower) A novel.
- 1921 Mit látott vak Béla szerelemben és bánatban (What did Vak Béla See in Love and Sadness), a novel that he failed to finish; it reflects his disillusionment in the events of Hungarian history after 1919.
- 1922 Hét bagoly (et. Seven Owls) Novel.
- 1933 Rezeda Kázmér szép élete (et. The Beautiful Life of Kázmér Rezeda) Novel; a less idealistic picture of his city and class. The protagonist, Rezeda, can be considered his alter-ego in many respects. "He stands in different guises in front of us; he called himself Sindbad the Sailor, Casimir Rezeda, the poor amorous poet who is contstantly on the move and full of desires, always frequenting the company of women and has a passion for food; a man who proclaims the vanity of life..." (Aurélien Sauvageot)
- 1930 Boldogult úrfikoromban (et. In My Happy Youth) Novel.
- 1931 Az élet álom (et. Life is a Dream) A collection of short stories. Instead of the dreamlike atmosphere of his earlier pieces, he turned towards realism and meticulously described contemporary events.




Sunflower. Translated by John Bátki, with an Introduction by John Lukács, Budapest: Corvina, 1978.

A vörös postakocsi
The Crimson Coach. Translated by Paul Tabori, Budapest: Corvina, 1967.
Vienna-Hamburg: Zsolnai, 1966.
Berlin: Rütter u. Loenung, 1978.
Sofia: Narodna Kultura, 1970.
Bucharest: Univers, 1978.
Monferrato: Marietti, 1983.
Prague: Odeon, 1975
Bratislava: Spolocnost, 1964
Tallin: Eesti Raamat, 1982.
Barcelona: Peninsula, 1989.

Vienna-Hamburg: Zsolnai, 1967.
Prague: Odeon, 1987.
Paris: Unesco; Arles: Actes Sud, 1988.
Warsaw: Almapress, 1988.

Utolsó szivar az arabs szürkében
Bucharest: Univers, 1987.

Az Aranykéz utcai szép napok
Torino: La Rosa, 1982.

A Podolini kísértet
Liptov St. Mikulas: Tranoscius, 1941.
Bratislava: Slovensky spisovatel, 1972.

selected v. miscellaneous (shorter fiction)

Moscow: Hudoz. Lit., 1987.
Uzghorod: Zaluta zemlja, 1982
Kosice: 1983.
Budapest: Corvina, 1986 (French)
Donauwört: Auer, 1981.
Paris: L'Harmattan, 1985.
Paris: Albin Michel, 1992.
Berlin: Wolk und Welt, 1978.
Berlin: Eulenspiegel, 1984.
Prague: Dilia, 1961.
Kosice: Vychodoslovensky Vyd, 1990.



[biography] - [quotes] - [publications]



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