[biography] - [quotes] - [publications]


- 1943 His first writing (Csőszház, et. The Shed) published.
- 1948 Francia kulcs (et. The Spanner) A short novel of diverse atmospheres and impressionistic images.
- 1948 A huszonegyedik utca (et. The Twenty-First Street), Autobiographical novel. It deals with the experiences of metropolitan life, the characters, thieves, bums and the ambitious, are seen through the eyes of an adolescent boy.
- 1957 Csutak színre lép (et. Enter Csutak) Juvenile novel.
- 1959 Fabulya feleségei (et. The Wives of Fabulya) Short novel, partly about writing itself: the author, while grabbing his topic, or the character, is in turn captured by it /him.
- 1963 A pálya szélén (et. On the Fringe), "He must have had a name of his own one day" that is how the author introduces his hero 'Csempe-Pempe' (this being a nick-name of dubious origin), the untiring coach who never gives up looking after the players of his third league team. The novel has another layer touching on the problem of existence.
- 1965 Az ördög konyhája (et. The Devil's Kitchen) short stories mainly about young people.
- 1965 Locsolókocsi (et. The Water Wagon) Juvenile novel.
- 1967 Régi idők mozija (et. Those Good Old Movies) Short fiction about the cinema of the 1920s, with additional documentary value. The story was made into a highly successful film.
- 1969 Egyérintő (et. Ball Game), Short stories taking place in the typical Mándy world, this time focusing on violence.
- 1970 Előadók, társszerzők (et. Lecturers, Co-authors) The writer, who was silenced in the 1950's, has documented here the atmosphere of fear and oppression, the circle of intellectuals who were condemned to stay "on the fringe" and accept every kind of second-rate intellectual work they were offered.
- 1970 Mi van Verával? (et. How Is Vera These Days?) short stories about a young woman, a typically beat-generation teenager.
- 1971 Egy ember álma (et. One Man Dreaming) surreal fiction, where dreams, with their film-like cuts, play an important role.
- 1972 Mi az, öreg? (et. What Is Up, Old Boy?) Sequence of short stories, taking the narrator's parents as their main characters, who play an active part in their son's life, commenting on the events, giving advice etc., even after their death.
- 1975 Zsámboky mozija (et. Zsámboky's Cinema) Novel.
- 1984 Strandok, uszodák (et. Baths, Swimming-Pools) Novel.
- 1986 Magukra maradtak, (et. Left Behind) In this novella "an imaginative, if not fantastic, rupture between the Mándy country and the Mándy people is posited, and then as imaginatively resolved, by the author: here, in the story all human presence is, quite inexplicably, gone, the people have departed and all we have now is the landscape. Alien, artificial, entropic and dead, it is now the man-made world of urban dereliction that comes to life and, in a bold trope of personification, acquires a mind that remembers, suffers and mourns; Mándy, in the ultimate fictional act of collapsing his country and his people into one, makes the world of things, that man-made universe of dead (and decaying) artifice that have always been, in a sense, the protagonist of his fiction, sing a threnody for humanity." (Ferenc Takács)
- 1989 Önéletrajz (et. Autobiography) short stories.
- 1992 Huzatban (et. In The Draft) a long title novella and several shorter pieces. "These prose miniatures, études, finger excercises, offer an entire spectrum of narrative and reflexive texts: observations, descriptions, events, dreams, and analyses, personal mythology, fossils of a bygone world, dilapidated apartment houses, memory fragments, disturbing experiences, dream-images, visions and shadows."
(Clara Györgyei)
- 1992 Tépett füzetlapok (et. Torn Notes) short fiction.
- 1996 A légyvadász (et. The Flyhunter) Short stories, taking death as their main topic, with the typical Mándyan touch of humour.




The Kitchen Wall. Short story,
in 44 Hungarian Short Stories,
Budapest: Corvina, 1979.
Ballgame. Short story, in Nothing's Lost; Twenty-five Hungarian Short Stories,
Budapest: Corvina, 1988.
On the Balcony (Selected Short Stories) Translated, and with an Introduction,
by Albert Tezla, Budapest: Corvina, 1988.
Left Behind. Translated by John Bátki.
in: The Hungarian Quartet - Four Contemporary Short Novels.
Budapest: Corvina, 1991.

A pálya szélén
Stuttgart: Deutsche Vrlg., 1971.

Régi idők mozija; Mi az, öreg?
Berlin: Volk und Welt, 1975.
Bratislava: Smena, 1980.

Lányok az uszodából
Munich: Leonore - Exkursionon

Az ördög konyhája
Prague: Mladá fronta, 1969.

Fabulya feleségei
(tr. E. Schag)
Frankfurt am M.: Deutsche Vrlg., 1966.

Francia kulcs
Paris-Budapest: In fine-Corvina, 1997.

Short stories
Erzälhungen. Tr. E. Schag,
Frankfurt am M.: Suhrkamp, 1966.
Berlin: Sammlung Zerstreuung, 1986.
Bratislava: Tatran, 1988.

Selected short stories in:
Auteurs hongrois d'aujourd'hui.
Paris: In fine and Budapest: Corvina, 1996.

Children's books
Csutak színre lép
Tallin: Eesti Raamat, 1977.

Csutak és a szürke ló
Warsaw: Iskry, 1964.
Stuttgart: Franckh, 1967;
Berlin: Kinderbuch Welt, 1986.
Vilnius: Vaga, 1974.
Sofia: Narodna mladez, 1977.
Bratislava: Mladé lebá, 1988.

Csutak a mikrofon előtt
Warsaw: Iskry, 1967.

A locsolókocsi
Warsaw: Iskry, 1971.

Arnold, a bálnavadász
Berlin-Budapest: Eulenspiegel Vrlg.-Corvina, 1982.
Moscow: Detskaya Lit., 1982.



[biography] - [quotes] - [publications]



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