[biography] - [quotes] - [publications]


- 1918 Emlékkönyv (et. Scrapbook) Poems.
- 1931 Idegen emberek 1-2 (et. Strange People) Novel.
- 1932 Csutora (et. Csutora) Novel.
- 1933 A szegények iskolája (et. A School for the Poor) Essays.
- 1934-35 Egy polgár vallomásai I-II (et. The Confessions of a Haut-Bourgeois) Novel; it is one of Márai's best writings, and is a turning point in his art; a personal account of the writer's childhood in small-town Hungary, an objective but dramatic description of middle-class life. The novel's second part tells about Márai's youth and his life as an artist living and travelling in Western Europe. "The only way a member of the middle-class can become an artist is self-denial. Márai's every success and failure as an artist can be explained by this contradiction. In his best writing... he was capable of self-denial, and was able to leave behind the typical middle-class craftsmanship, and to make use of the realization that culture is only a prerequisite for art, but the work of art itself must be indifferent to culture." (Mihály Szegedy-Maszák)
- 1936 Válás Budán (et. Divorce in Buda) A novel.
- 1936 Kabala (et. Charms) Short stories.
- 1940 Kaland (et. Adventure) Drama; it is the story of a love triangle - the great adventure is love and death. "In the decisive moment of life's great adventure each of us must stand alone." (Sándor Márai)
- 1940 Szindbád hazamegy (et. Sindbad Goes Home) Novel; Márai relates the last wanderings of the great Hungarian writer Gyula Krúdy (Sindbad was his hero and alter-ego) who died in poverty and seclusion. The book triggered the revival of the popularity of Krúdy's work in Hungary. "What Márai (who was twenty-two years Krúdy's junior and knew him in the last years of his life) had composed was a Krúdy symphony, in a the form of a reconstruction of Krúdy's last day, in Krúdy's style. It begins with his solitary rising and dressing in Óbuda; it ends with his last night, enveloped in the comforter of his unforgettable dreams - dreams that carry Sindbad the sailor to another world. I read this book when I was seventeen. Afterward, I read as much Krúdy (and Márai) as I could lay my hands on, buying Krúdy volumes often in antiquarian bookshops. And I was not alone." (John Lukacs, The New Yorker, 1 December 1986)
- 1941 Mágia (et. Magic) Short stories.
- 1942 Ég és föld (et. Heaven and Earth) Essayistic novel.
- 1942 A kassai polgárok (et. The Citizens of Kassa) An allegorical drama about the fight of the citizens of Kassa for law and justice in the Middle Ages.
- 1947 Európa elrablása (et. The Ravishing of Europe) Essays on Márai's personal experiences in the West after the second world war.
- 1958 Napló 1945-1957 (et. Diary) A memoir published in Washington.
- 1968 Napló 1958-67 (et. Diary) Diary, published in Rome.
- 1972 Föld, föld! (et. 1996 Memoir of Hungary 1944-48) "This scathing, at times humorous, and always insightful memoir by exiled Hungarian novelist Sándor Márai provides one of the most poignant and humanly alive portraits of life in Hungary between the German occupation in 1944 and the solidification of communist power in 1948." (Blurb)
- 1976 Napló 1968-1975 (et. Diary) Diary, published in Toronto.
- 1984 Napló 1976-83 (et. Diary) A diary published in Munich.
- 1992 Ami a naplóból kimaradt 1945-46 (et. Diary: Leftovers)
- 1978 A delfin visszanézett (et. The Dolphin Looked Back) Collected poems; the book was published in Munich.




Memoir of Hungary, 1944-89. translated by Albert Tezla. Budapest: Corvina-CEU, 1996.
Hamburg: Broschek, 1959.

Egy polgár vallomásai
Paris: Albin Michel, 1993.

Les révoltés. Paris: Albin Michel, 1992.

A gyertyák csonkig égnek
Barcelona: Ed. Destino, 1951.
Paris: Correa, 1958.
Vienna-Berlin: Neff, 1950.
Vienn: Buchgemeinschaft Donauland, 195?

Amsterdam: Nederl. Keurboekerif, 1936.
Berlin: Vorwerk Vrlg. 1940.
Prague: Lit. Umeleczky Klub, 1943.

Vendégjáték Bolzanóban
Prague: Europsky lit. klub, 1942.
Antwerpen: Het Kompas, 1943.
Stockholm: Wahlström och Widstrana, 1944.
Hamburg: Toth, 1946.
Helsinki: Oy Suomen Kirja, 1946.
Vienna-Berlin: Neff, 1951.
Paris: Albin Michel, 1992.

A féltékenyek
Barcelona: Janes, 1946.
Bern: Hallway, 195?

Idegen emberek
Berlin: Holle, 1935.
Prague: Albert, 1936.
Amsterdam: Nederl. Keurboekerif, 1944.

Válás Budán
Milan: Baldini-Castoldi, 1938.
Madrid: Ed. Mediterr., 195?
Vienna-Berlin-Stuttgart: Neff, 1951.
Munich: Goldmann, 1974.

Stuttgart: Reclam, 1953.

Hamburg: Toth, 1941.

Hamburg: Toth, 1948.

Az igazi
Stockholm: Wahlström odh Widstrand, 1943.
Vienna: Scholle, 1948.
Copenhagen: Jesperson og Plos, 1949.
Hamburg: Toth, 1949.
Barcelona: Ed. Nausica, 195?
Helsinki: Oy Suomen Kirja, 1944;
Tammi, 1963.

A szegények iskolája
Hamburg: Toth, 1947.
Roma: Macchia, 1951.

Szindbád hazamegy
Waduz: Nova, 1978.

Béke Ithakában
Munich: Desch, 1952.
Paris: In Fine, 1995.
and Budapest-Corvina, 1995.



[biography] - [quotes] - [publications]



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