[biography] - [quotes] - [publications]


- 1948 Vadvizek (et. Floodwaters) Short stories.
- 1956 Magasiskola (et. 1988 The Falcons) novellas and short stories.
- 1957 Sötét jelek (et. Dark Signs) A collection of short stories.
- 1966 Az atléta halála (et. Death of an Athlete) Described as "a psychological novel and an impressionistic delineation" by the author, who "offers no explanation of the novel's meaning, no description of the times; he 'demonstrates' the character of the fatally obsessed long-distance runner through the use of precise details characteristic of his short stories." (Albert Tezla)
- 1967 Jelentés öt egérről (et. A Report on Five Mice) Short stories.
- 1968 Saulus (et. Saul) Based on the Biblical story, the novel is composed
of mosaic-like parts showing the psychological transformation of Saul that lead to his conversion.
- 1970 Pontos történetek útközben (et. Precise Stories Along the Way) A realistic novel comprised of separate stories linked by a first-person narrator recounting her visits to family in Transylvania and using the techniques of the cinéma varieté, highlighting nothing, progressing in each story with utter objectivity.
- 1971 Térkép, repedésekkel (et. A Map with Cracks) An account of a travel, with time and space interwoven illogically, seemingly chaotically.
- 1976 Film (et. A Movie) A turning point in Mészöly's art. Taking an old couple as its topic, the novel observes their slow movements with extreme precision through the cold eye of the camera. In an interview, the author considers this narrative presentation as "a further stripping to nakedness... to such an extreme point in the consideration of human events, to such posing of questions that it would call everything, the component of all things into doubt." (Miklós Mészöly)
- 1977 A tágasság iskolája (et. The Discipline of Spaciousness) Literary and philosophical essays, interviews, diary notes, studies on film and drama.
- 1977 Bunker - Az ablakmosó (et. 1978 Bunker - The Window Washer) Two plays adapting the techniques of the Theater of the Absurd.
- 1985 Merre a csillag jár (et. Where Stars Wander) short stories.
- 1989 Volt egyszer egy Közép-Európa (et. 1997 Once There Was a Central Europe) Short fiction and essays on the region. "Here the only thing that can happen is what happens. And the concern is precisely how you can be someone's servant, so that you can freely enjoy the pleasures of the prisoner within the limited spaciousness of the pillory." (Miklós Mészöly)
- 1989 A pille magánya (et. The Loneliness of the Moth) Essays.
- 1995 Családáradás (et. Family Flood) Novel.
- 1995 Hamisregény (et. Faux Novel) Novel.
- 1995 Idegen partokon (et. Strange Lands) Short stories.
- 1997 Oh, Che bella notte. Short stories. The book was published with the same cover in English, Russian and Romanian.




"Anno" short story, in The Hungarian PEN - Le PEN Hongroise, 1981: 22.

"The Falcons" in Nothing's Lost: Twenty-five Hungarian Short Stories, Budapest: Corvina, 1988.

"Forgiveness" in A Hungarian Quartet. Four Contemporary Short Novels. Budapest: Corvina, 1991.

Once There Was a Central Europe. Sel. short stories and other writings. Tr. with an Introduction, by Albert Tezla, Corvina, Budapest, 1997.

Bunker. A play. tr. by E. Haldimann. Berlin: Bloch, 1977.

Az atléta halála
München: Hanser, 1966 tr. by Gy. Sebestyén.
also in
Paris: Seuil, 1965.
Copenhagen: Samlerens, 1967.
Prague: Odeon, 1969.
Warsaw: PAX, 1971.

München: Hanser, 1970.tr. by B. Frischuth;
Leipzig: St. Benno, 1970. tr. by H.-H. Paetzke,
also in
Paris: Seuil, 1971.
Warsaw: PAX, 1971., 1981.
Helsinki: Kirjayhtimä, 1974.
Madrid: Grijalbao, 1977.
Roma: e/o, 1987.

München: Hanser, 1980. tr. by H. Grosche.

Selected writings (stories, essays)
Gestaltungen; aus dem Ungar. von Barbara Frischmuth. Berlin: Literar. Colloquium, 1975.

Térkép, repedésekkel
München: Hanser, 1976. tr. by H. Grosche.

Hohe Schule. tr. by H. Skirecki.
Berlin: Volk un Welt, 1981.

Szárnyas lovak. Közép-európai történetek.
Geflügelte Pferde. Geschichten aus Mitteleuropa. tr. by H. Grosche, E. Haldimann, H. Skirecki. München: Hanser, 1991.
Bratislava: Tatran, 1973.
Bucharest: Univers, 1974.
Riga: Liesma, 1991.
Paris: Phébus,1994.

Familienflut. A tale. tr. by H. Skirecki.

Selected short stories in:
Auteurs hongrois d'aujourd'hui.
Paris: In fine and Budapest: Corvina, 1996.



[biography] - [quotes] - [publications]



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