[biography] - [quotes] - [publications]


- 1967 A Biblia (et. The Bible) A novella on a young boy, his family and their maid in the years of the darkest communist oppression and poverty. The story is told by the boy himself, who narrates his own cruelty, sexual curiosity and loneliness with equal objectivity.
- 1969 Kulcskereső játék (et. The Key-seeking Game) A collection of short stories.
- 1977 Egy családregény vége (et. 1998 The End of a Family Novel) A novel evolving in concentric circles, exploring the depths of Jewish past, and aiming a synthesis of the mythical, historical and political reality. The viewpoint is that of a child, Peter Simon, who tells about his relation with his grandfather and their life in communism. The novel ends with a one-word sentence: "No." "Representing the Jewish-Christian tradition, the family's history comes to an end and this, in turn, symbolizes the final and hopeless failure of that tradition." (Miklós Györffy, The Hungarian Quarterly, Winter, 1997)
- 1983 Nézőtér (et. Auditorium) Three one-act plays, respectively entitled Takarítás, Találkozás, Temetés (House Cleaning, Meeting, Burial). "It is not the story that I am interested in in the theater. Nor am I interested in so-called ideas. That is a matter for literature and philosophy. In theater it is the system of relations emerging between live bodies that I am interested in. The image, although not in the sense of the word in which it is used in the fine arts. I am interested in the motion picture of live bodies... I tried to rely on the musical qualities of language. I wanted to create a subtle linguistic medium, in which actors are required to speak with the inner connections of their entire bodies." (Péter Nádas)
- 1986 Emlékiratok könyve (et. 1997 A Book of Memories) Novel. It took Nádas eleven years to write this book of multi-layered and elaborate narratives. The author's aim was to write "a recollection of several people separated by time, somewhat in the manner of Plutarch's Parallel Lives." The main character is a young writer, who is engaged in a love triangle with a German actress and a young poet in East Berlin, and who is writing the memoirs of his childhood in Stalinist Hungary. There are two other narratives, one told by the hero of the novel he is composing; and one told by a childhood friend. "But you should know that A Book of Memories is one of those truly moral books, a novel written out of and within this century dominated by the malignant two-headed coin of the organized fascist and communist lie and where the familiar literary response has echoed Pilates, right down to the washing of the hands." (Thomas McGonigle, Washington Post, July 20, 1997)
- 1989 Évkönyv (et. Yearbook) An essayistic novel consisting of the author's monthly notes. The book includes Nádas' own black-and white photographs.
- 1991 Az égi és a földi szerelemről (et. On Heavenly and Earthly Love) Essays; philosophical meditations on the topic of Love. Nádas concentrates on Platonic love, which he considers the only light in the darkness of European history. The book was written as a series of lectures.
- 1992 Párbeszéd (Richard Swartz-cal) (et. A Dialogue with Richard Swartz) Dialogues.
- 1992 Talált cetli és más elegyes írások (et. Notes and Other Miscellania) Essays and meditations.
- 1995 Vonulás (et. Proceeding) Two film scripts.
- 1997 Minotaurusz (et. Minotaur) Selected short stories.




Egy családregény vége
The End of a Family Story. translated from the Hungarian by Imre Goldstein.
New York : Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1998.
Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp, 1979. (Translated by H.-H. Paetzke); new translation by H. Grosche: Berlin: Rowohlt, 1993.
Bromma: Fripress, 1979. Translated by M. Ortman.
Oslo: Gyldendal Norsk, 1980. Translated by M. Fáskerti-Lund.
Warsaw: PIW, 1983. Translated by S. Peksa.
Ljubljana: Veselin Maslesa, 1987. Translated by S. Martinec.
Arhus: Husets, 1989. Translated by P. Eszterhás.
Copenhagen: Munkgaard/Rosinante, 1996.
Amsterdam: Van Gennep, 1989. Translated by H. Kammer
Tallinn: Eesti Raamat, 1990. Translated by L. Veskis.
Riga: Liesma, 1991. Translated by L. Zihare.
Paris: PLON, 1993. Translated by G. Kassai.
Forthcoming: in Italian

Emlékiratok könyve
A Book of Memories. Translated from the Hungarian by Ivan Sanders with Imre Goldstein. New York: Farrar, Straus
and Giroux, 1997.
Berlin: Rowohlt, 1991., Translated by H. Grosche.
Amsterdam: Van Gennep, 1994., Translated by H. Kammer.
Stockholm: Bonnier Alba, 1994., Translated by E. Rosenberg.
Oslo: Gyldendal, 1997. Translated by Ove Lund.
Forthcoming: in Danish, French, Czech

Berlin: Rowohlt, 1995. Tr. by H. Grosche.
Oslo: Gyldendal Norsk, 1996.

Berlin: Rowohlt, 1992., Tr. by. H. Grosche.
Amsterdam: Van Gennep, 1994., Tr. by H. Kammer.

Az égi és földi szerelemről
Berlin: Rowohlt, 1994., tr. by M. Berg, D. Wölfer.
Forthcoming: in Polish

Berlin: Rowohlt, 1994., Translated by Ch. Viragh

Berlin: Rowohlt, 1996., tr. by Ch. Viragh
Forthcoming: in Italian, Polish

Berlin: Rowohlt, 1997.
Moscow: Ruduga, 1990.

Selected short stories in:
Auteurs hongrois d'aujourd'hui. Paris: In fine and Budapest: Corvina, 1996.

Rencontre: tragédie sans entracte. tr. by P. Thibaudat, I. Virág. Paris: Éd. Theatrales, 1990.
Setkání: tragédie, bez prestavky. tr. by E. Sládková, Prague: Delia, 1990.
Ménage: comedia perpetua. tr. by I. Virág, J.-P. Thibaudat, Paris: Éd. Theatrales, 1996.
Forthcoming: Plays (Tr. by Judith Sollosy)



[biography] - [quotes] - [publications]



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