[biography] - [quotes] - [publications]


- 1960 Fekete ünnep (et. Black Holiday)
- 1963 A teremtés napja (et. The Day of Creation)
- 1965 Búcsú Bethlehemtől (et. Farewell to Bethlehem)
- 1970 A föltámadás elmarad (et. The Resurrection Will Not Take Place)
- 1973 Emberáldozat (et. Human Sacrifice)
- 1974 Szegénynek lenni (et. To Be Poor)
- 1976 Távlat a történethez (et. Perspective on the Story)
- 1978 A visszacsavart láng (et. The Turned-Down Flame)
- 1980 Honnan jön a költő? (et. Where Does the Poet Come from?) Essays
- 1981 Az alvó vulkán (et. The Dormant Volcano)
- 1983 Helyzetünk az óceánon (et. Our Position on the Ocean)
- 1984 Szép nyári nap, a párkák szótlanul figyelnek (et. A Beautiful Summer Day, the Fates Look on in Silence)
- 1984 A mesterségről (et. About Craft) "And here I come with the great discovery that precisely the facile use of avant-garde techniques can best prove the necessity of the classicistic demand of completeness, that even the most baffling manner is nothing but manner, and what matters is life - that is, blood rescued into verse. The enthusiastic audience merely says, "oh well", and turns back to the TV screen." (Ottó Orbán)
- 1986 Összegyűjtött versek (et. Collected Poems) "Orbán's mode of expression is based on the constant and simultaneous enlivening of opposites, on a ceaseless ironical self-control of a lively, feverish world of emotions. A mixture of sublime and grotesque elements dominates not only the structure of the verse, but even penetrates the sentence and phrase, forming contrasts between adverbs and the words they modify. Yet it is the metaphor, the parallel succession of metaphors - Orbán's strongest quality - which is most spectacularly typical." (Balázs Lengyel)
- 1987 A fényes cáfolat (et. The Brilliant Refutation)
- 1990 A kozmikus gavallér (et. The Cosmic Cavalier)
- 1992 Egyik oldaláról a másikra fordul; él (et. He Tosses and Turns; Lives)
- 1992 A keljföljancsi jegyese (et. The Acrobat's Fiancée)
- 1993 Útkereszteződés Minneapolisban (et. Minneapolis Intersection)
- 1993 The Blood of the Walsungs, selected poetry in English. "Orbán's book is a single manifold complaint about the loss of certitude, put forward without giving a sense, a feeling, of the loss. Absent such a sense, the complaints sound facile; at best one can discern a kind of helpless bitterness masked by facility. If certitude is lost, there can be no certitude about its loss." (András Sándor, World Literature Today, vol. 68)
- 1994 Cédula a romokon (et. A Message on the Ruins) essays
- 1994 A költészet hatalma (et. The Power of Poetry)
- 1995 Kocsmában méláz a vén kalóz (et. The Old Pirate Daydreams in a Tavern)
- 1997 The Journey of Barbarus, selected poetry in English, "The selection focuses on what one might call Orbán's "American poems" - i.e. poems written during his stay in Iowa in 1976 and during his visiting professorship in Minnesota in 1976. The volume is actually divided into three parts, subtitled "Travel Documents," "The Journey," and "Bi-Lingual Hungarian-English section," the latter comprising fourteen poems both in the Hungarian original and in Berlind's translation. For the bilingual reader, this is the most interesting section, and it is remarkable that a little-known press in Colorado agreed to do this excursion into bilingualism; after all, Hungarian is not one of the more widely spoken languages in the American Midwest." (George Gömöri, World Literature Today, vol. 71)




The Blood of the Walsungs. Ed. by George Szirtes, translated by various hands, New Castle Upon Tyne: Bloodaxe Books, 1993,
and the same edition in Hungary by Budapest, Corvina Books, 1993.

The Journey of Barbarus. Poetry by Otto Orban. Translated by Bruce Berlind, Passeggiata Press, 1997.

selected poems in:
The Colonnade of Teeth. Modern Hungarian Poetry, edited by George Gömöri and George Szirtes, Newcastle upon Tyne: Bloodaxe Books, 1996.



[biography] - [quotes] - [publications]



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