[biography] - [quotes] - [publications]


- 1946 Kettős világban (et. In a Dual World) Book of poetry. The young intellectual's experiences of war and existence.
- 1957 Szárazvillám (et. Dry Lightning) Book of poetry and translations. The state of mind between morals (a standard of values) and existential, political and emotional threat. Her poetry becomes objective and more complex.
- 1964 Vándorévek (et. Years of Wandering) Collected translations from the Antiquity to Modernism.
- 1967 Napforduló (et. Solstice) The volume is characterised by a new, philosophical sensibility. The modern man's experiences are expressed in the Akhenaton persona.
- 1969 A lovak és az angyalok (et. The Horses and the Angels) Selected poetry.
- 1979 Éjszakai tölgyfa (et. Night Oak) Book of poetry.
- 1980 Egy pályaudvar átalakítása (et. The Transformation of a Railway Station) Prose poems about universal, every-day experiences, the laws of physics. The personal tone is always to be felt behind the impersonal.
- 1980 Selected Poems in English "...the darkness of this vision is mediated by the very ability to experience it. Access to Nemes Nagy's moralized landscapes is invariably through vision in the literal sense; and a concern with perception, with fidelity to what the eye sees, is a recurrent insistence in her poetry. I think it is no accident that the first four or five poems in this book are about looking, one of them even called "But To Look". It is as if the act of seeing, however painful the sight, were a validation of something central and redeeming in man's nature, including the ability to make poetry." (Bruce Berlind)
- 1980 Between. Selected Poems in English, "Intellectual passion is its essence. As a translator I have regarded this quality, its rhythms and forms, as a priority." (Hugh Maxton)
- 1981 Között (et. 1988 Between) Collected poetry.
- 1986 A Föld emlékei (et. The Earth Remembers) Collected and new poems.
- 1989 Szó és szótlanság (et. Word and Wordlessness), Collected essays I.
- 1992 A magasság vágya (et. Yearning for Hight) Collected essays II, includes a study of the poetry of Mihály Babits, essays on other poets and poetry in general, other writings, granting insight into the encyclopedic realm of her thought, touching on diverse topics like the taste of snowdrops she ate in her childhood.
- 1995 Collected and unpublished poems.




Selected Poems. Translated by Bruce Berlind, with an Introduction and Translator's Preface by Bruce Berlind, an a Preface by Ágnes Nemes Nagy. IOWA TRANSLATIONS, International Writing Program, School of Letters, The University of Iowa, 1980.

Between. Selected Poems of Ágnes Nemes Nagy, translated by Hugh Maxton, The poetry of Ágnes Nemes Nagy - a Commentary by Hugh Maxton, The Poet's Introduction
republished from the 1980 UI edition.

Selected poems:
The Colonnade of Teeth. Modern Hungarian Poetry, edited by George Gömöri and
George Szirtes, Bloodaxe Books,
Newcastle upon Tyne, 1996.

The Lost Rider. A bilingual anthology. The Corvina Book of Hungarian Verse,
Budapest: Corvina Books Ltd., 1997.

"János Pilinszky: A Very Different Poet." Memoir to The Deserts of love. Selected Poetry of János Pilinszky, London: Anvil Press Poetry, 1989.

Essays in English, tr. by Győző Ferencz and Monika Hámori

In other languages:
Dennoch Schauen. Gedichte.
Leipzig: Insel- Verlag, 1986.
Solstizio. Traduzione di Marinka Dallos
e Jole Tognelli. Edizioni Empiria, Roma, 1988.
Ekhnaton. Transl. André Doms, Paul Chaulot, George Timár, Bernard Vargaftig etc. Préface G. Timár. Bruxelles: Mainos Internationale
de la Poésie, 1980



[biography] - [quotes] - [publications]



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